Thursday, July 30, 2009

who wants to play soccer?

As I was driving down the road, don't know if I was in the Bimmer or the old Jeep, I saw a Mom and her kids pulling out onto the road heading somewhere. To a game, a park or the beach? It didn't matter. It hit me in the face like a tennis ball thrown at my dogs: I want to be a Soccer Mom! I want my day to revolve around getting my husband off to work, the kids fed and dressed then their day planned out with magnificent adventures. Sure sure I know that the SM Life is not what it's all cracked up to be. They have problems, right? Like how to get the youngest to quit taking off their clothes and running around naked in public. Problems like I didn't feel like cooking tonight so I'll order a pizza and have a beer on the porch while my kids swim in the pool. They have problems with not feeling adequate and needed by their peers? I want that. I am tired of working in a career that after a decade will just go away because they changed some laws. I am tired of paying a mortgage, electric, cable and phone bill just to do it again next month all alone. When I get up in the morning I have a bunch of wet noses to feed, exercise and poop. Then I work for someone else doing other things and worrying that I wont have a job tomorrow. When you are a SM you get a full time job no matter what! You have a direction, goal and plan for lives that rely on you, love you (even when they are pissed) and look to you for direction for the second, the month or even their entire lives. Imagine that! Of course when I want to take a vacation I can turn off my phone, computer and hopefully (usually not) my mind so I can rest. I guess SM's don't really ever get this opportunity but I wouldn't want it. I want to be wanted 24/7 and not worry that Super Soccer Mom will ever go away. Now I find myself closing in on 40 with not a glimmer of SSM hope. A girl can dream...
(Photo above is of a proud Aunt that is jealous of her soon to be SM Sister)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'll get around to one of these days...

What are YOU avoiding?

Avoiding is such a strong word... I prefer ignoring? or delaying. there are so many things in life that I prefer to delay. The big discussions with those I care about are usually what are delayed until I almost burst. Why can't I tell my sister that the name she chose for her newborn causes physical pain and anguish in my heart? Why am I avoiding telling my "roommate" that I need more attention, dedication and physical contact like a boyfriend one day hopefully finance should give? Then there are the piles of stuff around the house. How much can I take before I whirlwind around like the Tasmanian Devil trying to put it all away. Catalogs of things for others, magazines of plans to make, dog fur piling up in the corners. Phew... I think I'll go take a nap.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Now that I'm invisible, I'm heading to Heaven

invisible or super powers?

invisible or super powers? there are so many people in heaven that I have questions for... people that left too soon and left without saying goodbye. There are necks to hug, people to fuss at and tears to share with my Mom. She's going to be a Grandmother this month and the little girl will have her name. My Grandfather left too soon and Grandmommie misses him so much and I want to tell him... my best friend Jenny should have never died from cancer... she was too young, too beautiful and to much an important part of my life. Yup... while I live "in heaven" here at SI my wish would be to travel to heaven...even if just for the day.