Thursday, June 11, 2009

looking glass

"If Ansel Adams provided the GPS coordinates to all his landscapes, the exif data for his camera settings and you had access to meteorological data i.e sky conditions, could anyone with a fancy camera and well-equipped computer reproduce his body of work?"

This is something that crosses my mind all the time as an artist... how many times have you seen "art" in any shape or form and the person standing next to you says "I could do that" makes kinda a snickering almost snotty noise and walks away? When Pollock started out slinging paint around do you think he was worried about "that person" or when someone like Ansel Adams took a photo was he worried about "that person" also?

The photo in this post (Spoleto Finale 2009) was a captured with my little point and shoot Canon and was NOT altered by computers other than a crop to focus more on the bird in flight. Was I lucky? or was God showing me something special? There were thousands of people looking at the same view... so was I lucky or am I gifted? and why do I worry that I am not? all the time...

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